In January 2019, I got hired to work on what I called the Tribe Airport Project, the real name: Hallway to Carnival. The idea: to use photos that Tribe had from their family of bands and create almost an art gallery like feel along the walls of the arrival corridors at the Piarco International Airport to welcome people to Trinidad (of course highlighting Carnival).
It was meant to be interactive so each image had the band and photographer's handles so they could follow them on social media.
Apart from the design and FAW work, I also was the project manager and worked directly with the printers/installation team from SS Kreative Print Limited. We were only allowed to install after midnight when there were no flights coming in and the halls would be empty, which meant limited hours over the course of a week to install all (87) 4ft x 4ft prints, along with their labels and additional decals and posters.
There were a couple hiccups along the way, as is expected with anything of this magnitude, but I think the final product brought a lot of smiles to people entering the country.
This project was between Tribe and the Airport Authority of Trinidad & Tobago.

Here's a video done by Shari Petti, another client of mine, that captures the process and more about the project. It was never completed but enjoy!